
a good time was had by all

The kid picked himself up and dusted himself off on Christmas morning after a difficult Saturday full of partial seizures. Despite the worry and sleep deprivation because of my son, plus all the horrors that are going on in the world, yesterday I was able to enjoy some peace and quiet hanging out with Calvin as he crawled and stumbled around and "played" happily by himself while Michael cooked a Christmas meal.

Yes, a good time was had by all. Calvin was a joy all day and he went right to sleep at bedtime. He slept soundly through the banter of six lively diners just one floor below who passionately discussed politics, books, photography, responsible journalism in the age of what's-his-face, and included a number of (mostly my) dirty quips. Yesterday ended up being one of the nicest, stress-free Christmases in recent memory.

These glimpses of relative normalcy are what keep me going in the long run, and I am grateful to the stars and back that such can be so.


  1. so deeply happy for you in your respite of pleasure! you've earned it! put it in the bank!

  2. That's a darling picture of the two of you. I'm glad you had some cheer -- and thank you for bailing me out this afternoon. You MUST know how appreciative I am and thankful that we're friends!

  3. Go Calvin! You all are inspirations.
